Friday, December 23, 2011

Silence of Life

Listen to the silence when sitting in an office at 7:30 in the morning
When my heart stays stale but the spirit is high
Sneaking my sight between the light of the piling files
Whether there is any like or dislike to this misty sky looking out of the window
Hey! I see the Peak within Your eyes
It is watery with a patch of dusty grey
Have I done anything wrong?
I am just trying to feel You and the space You led me behind the grey clouds of this grey sky

Hundred millions of me on the surface of every grid on the glazing walls of our economic giants around me
No winding roads or distracting signs
It is just myself with hundred millions of my face
But I am still scared!

Familiar sound of turning lock brings in the early bird
He is quiet reading his morning paper
After the brief and usual greeting I pretend to dip my head into the fluid of business
The silence comes back to me
You are right there is a sky after the sky

"Smell the fragrance of grass
Gather the moisture of the dewdrop
Dampen your lips
Clothe with the golden sun
Pull on your saddle
Spread the words of honey"

When the saddle worn out come sleep in the Father's arms
To feel again the original silence of life

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